Charlie Wheeller
Level 1-2 Coach
Charlie Wheeller is a true pioneer of the craft and a living legend amongst the international cyr wheel community. He is constantly feeding his enjoyment to create and explore the wheel and what is possible while spinning. He completed his formal circus training at the National Centre for Circus Arts of London, but his passion for cyr wheel has led him to study, coach, and explore the possibilities of this discipline with amazing individuals all over the world. As a founding member of the award winning acrobatic group, Barely Methodical Troupe, Charlie continues to push the boundaries of circus artistry.
Charlie has been invited to teach cyr wheel workshops at some of the most recognized circus schools globally including the following.
- École nationale de cirque of Montreal, Canada (ENC)
- National Institute of Circus Arts of
- Melbourne, Australia
- LIDO of France
- National Centre for Circus Arts of London,
- England (NCCA)
- Circomedia of Bristol, England
- Codarts of Rotterdam, The Netherlands
- Palestine Circus School
Charlie’s passion for the art and culture of cyr wheel is evident in his pursuit to connect with other wheelers within the community. At the heart of it all, Charlie is a cyr wheel artist and loves to have curiosity conversations with his fellow wheelers. Many wonderful collaborations have come from this and he is excited to come to Colorado and meet all of you at this year’s CYRS & BEERS.

photo by by @jobeejones
“The thing about cyr wheelers is we’re used to training on our own, so we’re all yearning to spin, talk, and watch other people spin. I can’t tell you how people that, when I meet them, had never met another cyr wheeler before, and had never seen anyone else spin in front of them–crazy!. It is so important and special to see others work with the wheel in front of you.”
– Charlie Wheeller